Smart collaborations and partnerships can engage customers, increase sales, lower costs, and acquire new customers at little or no cost. Our process, Uniting Loyalty®, provides the only blueprint for doing it right.

Goal here is to determine which collaboration or partnership strategy works best for you. Based on your unique profile, we conduct voice of customer research to inform industry prioritization scoring. Informed by our proprietary Geographic Overlap Analysis, we then develop the Collaboration/Partnership Strategic Plan to determine the best potential collaborators and partners for consideration.

For 1:1 strategic and tactical partnership/collaboration, or for a private coalition, each prospective company is contacted and evaluated as a potential match. We run through an 8-step checklist of criteria to evaluate each candidate. We also work with you to create a “pitch deck” to attract partners.

For a transactional offer strategy, where partners pay for your currency, we design and develop the infrastructure and the marketing plan. For 1:1 collaborations and partnerships, we develop the agreement, design, develop and implement the program, and provide management services.
We act as an authorized third party to manage sensitive information required for purposes of the partnership, such as managing customer data to determine overlapping customers or members. So you never have to worry about providing your data to any partners.